Copyright at UC

Copyright Officer

Copyright in the University is administered by a Copyright Officer. Questions concerning rights and obligations in relation to copyright should be directed to the Copyright Officer.

The Copyright Officer also receives notification of alleged breaches of the Copyright Act or licences and details of 'take-down' notices.

The Copyright Officer is Kathleen Cobcroft. The contact e-mail address is: copyright@canberra.edu.au

Licences and agreements

The University is party to a number of statutory licences and agreement which facilities the use of copyright material by members of the University. Details of such licences and agreements are contained in the Copyright Guide. The licences and agreements are administered by the Copyright Officer.

The University pays a significant amount per year to collecting agencies to take advantage of the copying opportunities available through the licences and agreements. The agencies use these funds to provide remuneration to authors and copyright owners for the use of their material. The University participates in regular sampling exercises to assist in determining the overall level of remuneration and the details of the copyright owners to be remunerated.

Unlicensed copyright material for teaching

The University has policy and procedures for making teaching and learning materials available to students of the University electronically in the context of limitations imposed by the and an agreement between the University and the Copyright Agency Limited concerning such copyright materials. The primary mechanism for ensuring the obligations in this context is the University's available for staff and students through UCLearn (Canvas).

All staff making unlicensed copyright material available to students in an electronic medium must use the .


The requires notices to be displayed on or near some machines which may be used to reproduce works. This requirement covers machines installed in libraries and archives or machines installed outside these facilities but made available primarily for the use of clients of the library and/or archive. (Sections 39A and 104B of the Act.) In the University these requirements would also apply to resource centres. Details are available in the section headed Notices.

Further information about copyright

Useful material concerning copyright and licences and agreements may be accessed at the following sites:

Guidance about copyright compliance

Copyright Agency Limited (CAL)

CAL is a collecting agency under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) and collects monies from educational and other institutions to distribute to copyright owners to recompense them for the copying of their material. The following information has been supplied by CAL and is provided as an information service only. The University of Canberra is not responsible for the information contained in the CAL brochure and disclaims all liability for any injury, loss or damage suffered by any person using or acting on the information contained in the .