Bring Health Internship

Faculty of Arts and Design interns have once again lived up to their potential, this time in their work with the Capital Health Centre of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Students Joshua Atkinson (Bachelor of Design Visual Communication Design) and Emily Woolnough (Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Information Technology) recently completed their internship placement at Bring Health. The students completed a brand style guide and supported Bring Health with a range of media and content such as promo banners and pamphlets, social media ads and Instagram posts.

Renee Zwikielberg, manager of Capital Health Centre of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said: “We enjoyed the process of working with interns from UC so much that we took on more than one last semester. As a result of their exceptional work produced, we have employed all of them on Summer holiday contracts. We tell everyone how lucky we have been to find these clever individuals and hope that more businesses take on interns, too.”