Emily Ashcroft

Emily AshcroftPosition

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Emily has worked as a Primary educator in the ACT since 2012 after completing her undergraduate degree in Early Childhood and Primary Education at the Australian Catholic University, here in Canberra and completed her Master of Education (Educational Leadership) through Charles Sturt University. She began her teaching career in the Catholic Education system in Canberra, before moving to the ACT Education Directorate. Emily held positions both as a classroom teacher and as an Executive Teacher. Additionally, she has experience teaching in a local International Baccalaureate school.

Emily’s passion for the education profession and mentoring pre-service and early career teachers led her to the Education faculty in 2018. She has lectured and tutored across many Primary Initial Education units including Creative Arts, English, Mathematics and her specialisation area- Technologies. Emily commenced her PhD in 2019, and her research examines the introduction of the STEM Practices Framework using the Experience, Represent, Apply model in the Foundation year of school. This research extends the Early Learning STEM Australia (ELSA) Project developed within the STEM Education Research Centre (SERC) team to a wider educational context. Emily is also a member of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA).