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Dr Deborah Pino-Pasternak

Pino-Pasternak, DeborahPosition

Professor - Early Childhood Education and Community
Associate Dean Research and Enterprise

Contact details

T: +61 2 62012808
L: Building 6 Room D36


I trained as a Special Educational Needs teacher in my home country (Chile) and worked for 6 years with children with hearing impairment and their families. Subsequently I moved to the UK, where I pursued graduate studies at the University of Cambridge looking at self-regulated learning in young children and particularly at the influence of family interactive patterns on its development. Since then, I have held research only and research and teaching positions at The University of Cambridge, The Institute of Education in London, and Murdoch University in Western Australia.  In January 2019 I joined the Faculty of Education at University of Canberra as Associate Professor in Early Childhood Education and Communities. In this role I hope to engage with educators and other community members in research that makes a difference to young children and their families.

I am actively seeking talented graduate candidates with interest in the following fields: Young children’s learning and development (including infants), Early Childhood learning environments, and family environments, social interactions and dialogue between caregivers/educators and children.

My research interests concern young children’s development of self-regulatory skills and how those are fostered or hindered by home and school environments, with an emphasis on the quality of parent-child and teacher-student interactions. From a methodological perspective I have conducted quantitative and qualitative studies and have developed significant expertise in the analysis of interactive video data.

2015 Vice Chancellor’s Citation for Excellence in Enhancing Learning. Citation: For developing a pedagogy that fosters student self-determination, addressing the needs of autonomy, belonging and mastery.

2015-2017 ARC Discovery Early Career Research Award DE150100731 ($361,744.00). Dr Deborah Pino-Pasternak. Contextual Supports for the early development of self-regulated learning.

2015-2017 ARC Discovery Project DP150101142 ($300,900.00) Professor Simone Volet, Professor Stephen Ritchie, Dr Deborah Pino-Pasternak, Professor Marja Vauras, Professor Kenneth Tobin. Advancing future primary teachers’ engagement in science inquiry learning.

2003-2007 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Cambridge Overseas Trust PhD Studentship

2005 “Chile Projects” Grant, Centre of Latin-American Studies, University of Cambridge, UK  PhD Studentship

2003-2006 Overseas Research Students Award Scheme PhD Studentship

2002-2003 British Chevening Scholarships (British Council)/ Cambridge Overseas Trust) MPhil Studentship