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Dr Thomas Nielsen

Associate Professor Thomas NielsenPosition

Associate Professor - Teacher Education

Contact details

T: +61 2 62015699
L: Building 6 Room D8


Dr. Thomas William Nielsen has served in several of the Australian Government's values and wellbeing education projects across Australia ().

His publications have been peer reviewed and published by high impact journals and esteemed book publishers (), and he is the recipient of national teaching awards, including the 2008 Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning ().

Dr Nielsen advocates a ‘Curriculum of Giving’, his research showing that giving and service to others increase wellbeing and resilience in students—something much needed in a western world with high youth depression and suicide rates.

Research interests

  • Wellbeing education/ positive psychology
  • Values education/ character education
  • Rudolf Steiner (Waldorf) education

Personal website