Application for Refund of Tuition Fees

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Personal Details
Date of Birth *
Mailing Options
Domestic Students
Mailing Address
Please enter your postcode in 4 digit format (No spaces, no characters)
Reason for Refund
AU Dollars
International Students
Mailing Address
Please enter your postcode in 4 digit format (No spaces, no characters)
Residential Overseas Address
Please type "None" if not applicable
Reason for Refund
AU Dollars

**Please note that if you made a payment by credit card, the refund will be processed back to the same credit card**

Terms & Conditions for Refunding Tuition Fees

Both commencing and continuing students are entitled to receive a full or partial refund of their fees under certain conditions. If the reason for the refund is a visa refusal, please attach the letter from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection along with accompanying decision record. Should the refund request be for compassionate or compelling circumstances (ie; illness), please provide supporting documentation (ie; medical certificates)

The University of Canberra refunds students in the manner that the payment was received that is, if payment was received via a credit card then the payment is made back to that same credit card. If your credit card is no longer valid or has expired, please add your banking details to redirect your refund. All international refunds excepting credit card refunds are paid via Convera. The AUD amount that was received by the University is the amount that is refunded (less any administration fees) and this can be converted and paid in the home currency. The foreign exchange rate is calculated on the date the refund is paid. Please note bank charges may be charged by intermediary and beneficiary banks and would then affect the amount received by the beneficiary.


  1. The nominated prepayment amount for students accepting packaged offers to the University through Streamlined Visa Processing (SVP) partners is not refundable, except in accordance with clause 40 below.
  2. For all other cases when a student, after accepting an offer of a place, decides to withdraw from the course:
    1. prior to the first day of the teaching period - the tuition fee will be refunded less an administrative charge of 10%
    2. after the first day of the teaching period and before census date - the tuition fee will be refunded less an administrative charge of 50%
    3. after census date – no refund of tuition fees
  3. The retention of an administrative charge is in recognition of the costs associated with the processing the admission and enrolment of international students.
  4. When the University withdraws the offer of a place normally 100% of the tuition fee will be refunded, except in circumstances where the offer is withdrawn because the information or documentation provided by the student is fraudulent or incorrect, in which case the University reserves the right to retain the full amount of the tuition fee and any overseas representative’s fee payable by the University.
  5. When the University is unable to provide the course offered to the student, the total amount paid in tuition fees will be refunded.
  6. When the University does not allow the student to continue their course because of poor academic progress, 100% of the tuition fee will be refunded for any teaching period paid in advance other than the teaching period in which the suspension took place.
  7. Fees paid may be fully refundable where the student has been required to withdraw under exceptional circumstances.
  8. Applications claiming a refund must be made in writing and sent together with complete documentation to the Director Student Administration before the end of the teaching period for which the refund is being claimed. Claims made beyond this time will be considered only in exceptional circumstances.
  9. The above refund arrangements do not remove the right of students to take further action under Australia’s consumer protection laws.

Institutional Fees

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) payment (International Students Only) OSHC will be refunded if the student’s payment has not already been sent by the University to the preferred supplier. Otherwise the student will be responsible for applying directly to the preferred supplier for the refund.

Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)

Students who have paid the SSAF and decide to withdraw from their course before the census date will be entitled to a full refund of the SSAF. There will be no refund of the SSAF for students who withdraw after the census date.

Payment of Refunds

Refunds will normally be paid within four weeks from the date of receipt of a written request for a refund from the student. In the event that the University of Canberra is unable to provide a course of study, refunds will normally be paid within two weeks.


By choosing "Yes" I am signing this request for refund form, I state that the information provided is true and correct. I acknowledge all foreign exchange losses, gains and bank charges will be borne by the beneficiary. These charges cannot be controlled by the University.

I accept *
I have read and accept the <a title="Opens in a new window" target="_blank" href="/about-uc/disclaimer-copyright-privacy-accessibility">Privacy Statement and Declaration</a> *