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Notification of Discontinuation - International Student Visa Holders

Did you know the University of Canberra (UC) provides all sorts of student support services to international students? For example, have you spoken to a welfare officer about alternatives to ceasing your studies at UC? Their support may be able to assist you to continue your studies. For further information please access the UC’s student welfare resources.

Only complete this form if you want to cease studying at the University of Canberra.

Are you an international student?

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Personal Details
Date of Birth *
Personal Contact Details
Mailing Address
Please enter your postcode in 4 digit format (No spaces, no characters)
(2 Digit Area Code + 8 Digit Number)
Residential Address Preference
Residential Address
Please enter your postcode in 4 digit format (No spaces, no characters)
Date of Discontinuation
Reason for Discontinuation

Please note: Your discontinuation confirmation will be sent to your student email account.


I accept upon discontinuation, any active Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) will be cancelled and the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) notified and I will have 28 days to leave the country; or be granted admission at an alternate institution

I accept the terms above *
I have read and accept the Privacy Statement and Declaration *