Compelling and compassionate circumstances

These circumstances will be considered for any applications to change your study including study load variation, intermission, release or discontinuation.

Evidence needs to be provided for any reason that you are applying for.



1. Medical conditions – a new or changed medical condition or diagnosis that impacts the student’s ability to engage in their study as per their study plan

Example: A new medical condition occurs after you have commenced study, and continues for several weeks, affecting your ability to engage in your study as per your study plan.

OR A pre-existing medical condition flares up or is exacerbated after you have commenced study, preventing you from continuing your study as per your study plan.

Supporting evidence includes:

  • Medical certificate with dates of condition/exacerbation, from doctor/counsellor; or
  • hospital paperwork, including any future treatment plans; or
  • letter from social worker.
2. Family conditions – member/s of the student’s family died or has been impacted by a serious medical or personal condition and it is unreasonable to expect the student to have completed the requirements of study, as per the study plan.

Example: After commencing study, a close relative is impacted by a serious medical condition or passes away and you are unable to continue study.

Supporting evidence includes:

  • Death Certificate; or
  • Statutory Declaration with date of death or details of medical condition (with a Medical certificate) and relationship to the student; and/or
  • Letter of support from UC Wellbeing.
3. Unit Changes – Changes made in relation to the unit by the provider disadvantaged the student; or the student’s study plan has changed due to failing a unit previously and having the fail grade waived.

Example: You are unable to find a placement/ or your placement is cancelled

OR You have previously failed a unit but have had this waived in accordance with the enrolment amendment process

Supporting evidence includes:

  • Updated Study plan, Including comments from faculty staff confirming reasons for the reduced load/intermission and
  • Emails with dates of changes; or
  • Letter of support from Unit Convenor; or
  • Evidence of EAF approval.
4. Unexpected, or unpredicted changes in personal situation – due to factors outside the student’s control, factors have impacted their ability to continue to study with the original study plan.

Example: You have been impacted by unexpected incidents, including but not limited to, natural disasters, conflict, political changes, family changes, or displacement etc.

Supporting evidence includes:

  • Documents with dates of changes – evidence of media articles, correspondence from family – and a signed statutory declaration; or
  • Medical certificate from doctor/counsellor; and/or
  • Letter of support from UC Wellbeing.
5. Additional personal factors – this may include military service in student’s home country, parental leave (for the birth and primary care of a child)

Examples: Parental leave: One Semester (or applicable 6-month teaching period), where the due date falls in or around the start date or end date of a teaching period – (Additional time will only be considered where there are complications or associated medical condition(s) making you unfit to study). Caring for a newborn or children is not considered grounds for additional leave. Necessary arrangements will need to be made.

Military service in your home country requires you to change your study plan.

Supporting evidence includes:

Parental Leave:

  • Medical certificate from doctor/counsellor; or
  • Letter of support from UC Wellbeing.

Military Service

  • Military service notice from home country


The following will not be considered as reasons for compelling and/or compassionate consideration.

We have a wide range of support services for students and we encourage you to connect with the Student Wellbeing and Support team, or , to explore the support available to you.

  • Wellbeing concerns – this includes concerns about housing/accommodation, experiences of isolation or loneliness or other factors impacting a students’ wellbeing. We encourage you in the first instance to connect with our support services and explore existing programs and initiatives. Connect with our team
  • Financial concerns – UC will offer support with exploring financial assistance. Find out more.
  • External or known factors i.e. climate of this region, location of Canberra etc
  • Employment changes – is a comprehensive careers service supporting students to obtain employment throughout their study, placement opportunities and graduate employment
  • Enrolment changes – this includes wanting to under-enrol to improve grades, difficulty with English language proficiency, timetable clashes. Contact our team in the first instance for support with any of these matters.