Student Conduct

As a UC student you are subject to the Statutes and Rules of the University of Canberra and to the lawful directions of its officers. Students are expected to understand their rights and responsibilities as described in the University of Canberra's Student Charter. Appropriate standards of academic and non-academic behaviour are expected of all students and the University's Student Conduct Rules outline prohibited behaviour, whether academic or non-academic.

Further information about the University's procedures for dealing with suspected misconduct is available on the Student Conduct page.

Information, advice and support

Students requiring further information or assistance in relation to the University's student conduct process should approach their Appointed Officer and local student support service for advice.

Institution Appointed Officer Details
East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST) The UC Appointed Officer at ECUST can be contacted by emailing UCAppointedOfficer.ecust@canberra.edu.au
Hanoi University (HANU) The UC Appointed Officer at HANU can be contacted by emailing UCAppointedOfficer.hanu@canberra.edu.au
Ningbo University (NBU) The UC Appointed Officer at NBU can be contacted by emailing UCAppointedOfficer.nbu@canberra.edu.au
PSB Academy The UC Appointed Officer at PSB Academy can be contacted by emailing UCAppointedOfficer.psbacademy@canberra.edu.au
Royal Institute of Management (RIM) The UC Appointed Officer at RIM can be contacted by emailing UCAppointedOfficer.rim@canberra.edu.au

Students who require advocacy and support as part of the conduct process may contact the UC Student Representative Council (UCSRC) Advocacy team via student.advocacy@canberra.edu.au. The UCSRC provides free advice, support and advocacy to all UC students who have a grievance.