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Adolescent Occupational Therapy

Student led healthcare for Belconnen and the wider Canberra community

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The Student Lead University of Canberra Occupational Therapy Clinic supports neurodiverse adolescent and young adults (aged 12-25) and their families to develop skills for participation in everyday activities.

We aim to assist members of our local community to achieve their goals, develop confidence and build new skills with a focusing on the strengths that each person already possess.

Services are provided by University of Canberra Occupational therapy students under supervision of a registered Occupational Therapist. A collaborative approach is used whereby students work with clients and their families to set goals and work on solutions together over an eight-week period. Where relevant caregivers share their experience in supporting their children and Occupational Therapy students help to develop strategies to further support skill development in the home, school, work and community environments.

Occupational Therapists provide assessment and support to develop:

  • participation in social and recreational activities.
  • strategies to stay calm, and focused.
  • skills to manage sensory processing difficulties in everyday life.
  • executive functioning skills such as planning and organisation of tasks.

Clients can book in for up to 8 sessions with our students and reports can be requested in addition to these sessions if required.

Cost of each session is $100

Please note that as we are a student-led clinic no rebate is available through private health funds, Medicare, or third-party providers.

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