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Credit for Non-award Studies Policy
  1. This policy provides principles and processes for establishing and recognising non-award courses as the basis for specified credit in a UC unit. 
  2. Arrangements developed under this policy will contribute to the achievement of the University’s strategic objectives, for example, by helping professionals upgrade skills or by encouraging collaboration with a strategic partner.
  1. This policy applies when a faculty wishes to:
    1. establish a non-award short course for which specified credit can then be granted in a unit; or
    2. arrange for an existing non-award course to be recognised as the basis for specified credit in a unit.
      In either of these cases, the faculty may collaborate with another organisation.
  2. If the non-award studies are offered by an organisation other than UC, this policy only applies where UC has determined equivalence between the learning outcomes of the non-award studies, and those of the unit/s for which specified credit is sought. 
  3. This policy relates to formal arrangements where students who have successfully completed the required non-award studies will be granted credit towards the relevant unit in the UC award course(s) specified in the arrangement.
    Individual applicants may be able to apply for recognition of non-formal learning through Recognition of Prior Learning as set out under the Credit Policy.
  1. Proposals for provisions for credit based on non-award studies need to take into consideration the requirement that applicants must also meet the admission requirements of the course of which the award unit is or will be a part. 
  2. The development of non-award studies for credit will be for the purpose of pre-defined credit in one or more units.
  3. Credit for non-award studies will normally be specific credit in a specific unit (that is, specified credit). If block credit (that is, unspecified credit) is sought, a case must be made to Academic Board through the course approval process.
  4. Learning acquired in the non-award studies must be equivalent to the learning outcomes of the award unit. To ensure this, the following quality assurance measures will apply:
    1. The non-award studies must include assessment to enable students to demonstrate mastery of the learning described in the learning outcomes of the award unit. Any student wishing to be granted credit in a UC unit must undertake the required assessment. 
    2. The convener of the UC unit will determine and document the following in relation to the non-award studies and the UC unit for which it is proposed that credit be granted:
      • the amount of congruent content
      • level of content
      • assessment against the learning outcomes – as set out in the Determination of Unit Particulars of the UC unit(s).
    3. Credit can only be granted in an award unit on the basis of non-award studies if the learning outcomes of the non-award studies are equivalent to those of a whole unit. Credit may not be granted for part of a unit (for example, credit may not be granted for one or two credit points in a three credit point unit). 
    4. For example, if the learning outcomes of a series of three short courses are equivalent to those of a three credit point unit, then a student may receive credit in the unit only if the student has successfully completed the series of three short courses. On the other hand, if the learning outcomes of a single short course are equivalent to those of a three credit point unit, then the student may receive credit in that unit.
  5. The amount of credit granted to a student on the basis of non-award studies in conjunction with any other credit must comply with the limits for credit set out in the Credit Policy.
  6. The level of fees for non-award studies developed within the University of Canberra will be in line with the requirements of the Higher Education Support Act 2003
  7. The non-award studies for credit must be approved for that purpose before being advertised as having that purpose.
Establishing a non-award course for credit purposes
  1. The convener of the UC unit in which credit is sought develops the proposal in conjunction with the relevant course convener(s) of the course(s) in which the unit is or will be a part and any other relevant stakeholders (see format in Appendix 1). The proposal must adhere to the principles outlined in this policy. 
  2. The unit convener obtains the approval of the dean for the proposal. 
  3. The proposal is forwarded to Student Connect for checking compliance with policy and submitted to the University Education Committee for approval.
  4. The approved proposal is submitted to Academic Board for noting. 
  5. Once Academic Board has noted the proposal, the Secretary of Academic Board forwards advice of the approval to:
    • Secretary, University Education Committee
    • Course Manager, Academic Policy and Review
    • UC unit convener
    • Student Connect
    • Marketing and International
Using a pre-existing non-award course for credit purposes
  1. The convener of the UC unit in which credit is sought, in consultation with the relevant course convener(s) of the course(s) in which the unit is or will be a part, liaises with the UC convener or external provider, as applicable, of the pre-existing non-award course and develops the proposal (see format in Appendix 1). The proposal must adhere to the principles in this policy. 
  2. The unit convener obtains the dean’s approval for the proposal. 
  3. The proposal is forwarded to Student Connect for checking compliance with policy and submitted to the University Education Committee for approval.
  4. The approved proposal is submitted to Academic Board for noting.  
  5. Once Academic Board has noted the proposal, the Secretary of Academic Board forwards advice of the approval to:
    • Secretary, University Education Committee
    • UC unit convener
    • Course Manager, Academic Policy and Review
    • Student Connect
    • Marketing and International
Maintenance of records
  1. Student Connect maintains records of all instances of non-award studies which the University Education Committee has approved and Academic Board has noted as the basis for credit in an award unit.
Roles Action
Unit convener
  • Develops proposal in conjunction with the relevant course convener(s) of the course(s) in which the unit is or will be a part and any stakeholders or convener of pre-existing non-award course
  • Ensures proposal follows approval process as set out in this policy
Dean Considers and approves (if appropriate) the proposal
Student Connect Checks the proposal is in line with policy.
Maintains records on non-award studies approved as the basis for credit in an award unit.
University Education Committee Considers and approves (if appropriate) the proposal
Academic Board
  • Notes the proposal
  • Approves any exception to policy
Secretary, Academic Board Forwards advice of approval to relevant staff and units
This policy is governed by the Granting of Status Statute 1995 and the Granting of Status Rules 1995. The Admission Statute 1995 and the are also relevant.
Supporting Information:
This policy was developed, at the request of Academic Board, to enable pre-defined credit based on non-award courses to be granted towards specified award units at the University of Canberra. The policy was revised in 2011 to reflect changes in responsibilities and administrative processes at the University.
Documents related to this policy are:
Term Definition
Block (unspecified) credit
Credit towards a specified number of credit points at a specified course level. Any block (unspecified) credit is normally limited to the granting of credit for open electives.
Specified credit Credit towards a unit or units specified in the Determination of Course Particulars for a specific course.
Non-award (non-formal) studies
Studies that take place through a structured program of learning but do not lead to a qualification accredited under the Australian Qualifications Framework. (The AQF refers to ‘non-formal’ studies.)
APPENDIX 1                                   
Application Form

For approval of non-award studies proposed for credit in a UC award unit
Title of non-award studies
Faculty and/or any collaborating organisation, offering the non-award studies
Faculty contact for the proposal
Information on when the non-award studies will be offered
Name and contact details of non-award studies convener
Title and unit code of UC award unit
Name of convener of UC award unit
Name of convener(s) of UC course(s) in which the award unit is or will be a part
Learning outcomes of UC award unit as stated in the Determination of Unit Particulars
Description of how the non-award studies relate to the UC unit for which it is proposed that credit be granted:
  • the amount of congruent content
  • level of content
  • assessment against the learning outcomes – as set out in the Determination of Unit Particulars of the UC unit(s)
Agreement by UC unit convener that negotiations have taken place and the proposed non-award studies comply with the Credit for Non-Award Studies Policy
Name and date of approval of Dean
Date of approval by Student Connect of proposal’s compliance with policy
Date of approval by University Education Committee
Date of noting by Academic Board