Frequently asked questions

Do I have to use Inkpath?

All candidates and researchers engaging with Researcher Development and Graduate Research are required to use Inkpath to book and secure your place in UC ReD and faculty events. Inkpath also offers a lifelong skills and career development tracker for you to take with you into your future career. How much you invest in keeping your profile updated is up to you.

How do I access Inkpath?

Inkpath is available on several platforms:
  • Via
  • Download it from
  • Download it from

I wasn’t able to enter the QR/Numerical code during the event. How do I mark an activity as complete?

  • Navigate to the activities page and click “Past.”
  • Click on your corresponding activity and then click the green “Mark Activity as Complete” button.
  • Optional: If you happened to write down the attendance code (or you can ask a ReD team member to send it to you) you have the option of including it after rating the activity in the “Attendance Code” section so it connects to RGrad.
  • Click “Complete” to finish.

Why can’t I login to Inkpath?

  • When you go to make sure you have the “Login” option selected. DO NOT click “Sign Up.” Click on the Single Sign-On button, and follow the prompts.
  • If you have an active enrolment in a PhD, Professional Doctorate, or Masters by Research course at UC, please use your student account (uXXXXXX)
  • You must use a UC affiliated email address (personal emails won’t work)

Why isn’t my single-sign-on working?

This could be the result of a few things…

  • When you go to make sure you have the “Login” option selected. DO NOT click “Sign Up.” Click on the Single Sign-On button, and follow the prompts.
  • If you are a HDR candidate, log in with Single Sign-on and enter your student credentials (uXXXXXX)
  • If you are NOT a current UC HDR candidate but are a professional staff or UC research academic, sign in using your UC staff credentials (sXXXXXX).
  • If you graduated before 2020, you will not be eligible for an account.
  • If your UC staff account has expired, you will no longer have access to Inkpath.
  • You must use a UC affiliated email address (personal emails won’t work)

I am both a UC HDR student and staff member, which account do I use?

If you have an active enrolment in a PhD, Professional Doctorate, or Masters by Research course at UC, please use your student account (uXXXXXX).

I am halfway through my PhD/Masters by Research candidature, do I need Inkpath?

All current PhD/Masters by Research candidates as of January 2021 will have access to Inkpath. Inkpath offers a lifelong skills and career development tracker for you to use and take with you into your future career. How much you invest in keeping your profile updated is up to you. You will, however, be required to use Inkpath to book (and secure your place) in UC ReD and faculty events.

I have already submitted or graduated, do I still have access to Inkpath?

  • If you still have access to your UC student account, you will have access to Inkpath. Activate your Inkpath login using the “Log in with Single Sign-on” option.
  • UC students who graduated prior to 2020 will not have access to Inkpath.

I am an undergraduate student, can I have access to Inkpath?

Inkpath is only available for HDR candidates (those enrolled in a PhD, Professional Doctorate, or Masters by Research).

Will this cost me anything?

Inkpath is paid for and managed by UC and is completely free for UC HR candidates and UC staff!

What does lifelong access mean?

Your Inkpath profile is not tied to the University of Canberra which means all HDR candidates who were actively enrolled in an HDR from 2020 will have access to Inkpath for life (i.e. even after you graduate and leave UC).  You will not, however, have access to UC events on the activities page after graduation.

Who owns my data (data privacy)?

By accepting the Inkpath Privacy Policy, you also agree to share some of your data with UC. This data will be used to help improve the delivery of UC researcher development workshops and training as well as provide information to help Inkpath develop their platform.

Please see for more information.

Who has access to my Inkpath profile?

By using Inkpath platform you agree to their and For general use, only you will have access to your profile and personalised skill tracker where you can add, delete, and manage your skills profile. UC administrators will be able to view your attendance record for Goals and Activities.  For more information about how we might otherwise share your personal information and who we share it with, please see the Privacy Policy

Where can I find more information about Inkpath?

Visit the Inkpath website to read more about the benefits, induction videos, and other FAQs: