Course transfer

Transfer between doctoral courses in the same field of study

An application for transfer between research courses in the same field must be supported by the Supervisory Panel and must include:

  • written justification for the transfer, that demonstrates the candidate's awareness of the differing requirements and standards for the course to which they are transferring
  • evidence of the candidate's ability to work to meet the requirements and standards of the course (e.g. draft chapters of the thesis)
  • a copy of the candidate's most recent Annual Progress Report

The candidate may also be required to present a publicly advertised transfer seminar. The seminar will be evaluated by two assessors and a recommendation is made by the Primary Supervisor to the Associate Dean of the Faculty or Director of the Research Institute.

Masters by Research to Doctoral course

A candidate who is enrolled in a Masters by Research course who applies to transfer to a doctoral degree in the same field of study must have completed sufficient study in the masters course to allow an assessment of his or her capacity to undertake original and independent research. This would normally mean that a candidate would have completed the requirement coursework and approximately nine to twelve months of research (full-time equivalent) prior to applying to transfer. Normally a transfer from Masters by Research to a doctoral course would take place no later than eighteen months (full-time equivalent) after initial enrolment in the masters course.

The 'upgrade' must be supported by the Supervisory Panel, and the process involves the following:

The candidate must provide a full doctoral research proposal, at least two chapters of the draft thesis (or equivalent work in published scholarly papers or papers accepted for publication), and a copy of the candidate's most recent Annual Progress Report.

The candidate will be required to present at a publicly advertised transfer seminar. The seminar will be evaluated by two assessors and a recommendation is made by the Primary Supervisor to the Associate Dean in the Faculty or Director in the Research Institute.