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Animal Ethics

All projects undertaken at the University of Canberra that involve the use of animals either for research, teaching or other experimental study in which animals are used must be approved by the Animal Ethics Committee (AEC).

An animal is defined as any vertebrate (other than a human being) and includes mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish. Adult decapod crustaceans and cephalopods also fall under the definition of animal for the intents and purposes of the legislation and code that protects the welfare of animals used for research.

The and the stipulate that approval must be obtained from the institutional AEC before animals are used for research or teaching. This legislation was introduced to protect the welfare of animals, by ensuring that their use in research and teaching is always humane, considerate, responsible and justified.

All complaints in relation to projects using animals should be sent in writing to the Secretariat. For further information please see the Complaints Procedure.

The Terms of Reference outlines the purpose and the role of the Animal Ethics Committee.