Foreign Influence Transparency

On 10 December 2018,  a new mandatory and legislated Scheme known as the was introduced by the Australian government. This Scheme introduces a new registration requirement for anyone acting on behalf of a foreign principal where the intended purpose is to influence political outcomes.  It is intended to provide transparency about the nature, level and extent of foreign influence on Australia’s government and political processes. Non-compliance with the requirements of the Scheme is a criminal offence and maximum penalties range from six months to five years imprisonment.

A foreign principal is:

  • a foreign government,
  • a foreign political organisation,
  • a foreign government-related entity, or
  • a foreign government-related individual.

The following types of activity are registerable:

  • parliamentary lobbying
  • general political lobbying
  • communications activity
  • disbursement activity.

Further information, including detailed fact sheets, can be found at .

Although most academic activity is not conducted on behalf of foreign governments for the sole purpose of influencing Australian governments, foreign influence can be an unanticipated risk that can arise at multiple points of time during a research project, or on research dissemination. As an example, the risk of indirect foreign influence is a possibility during the conduct of a research project involving international engagement and collaboration.  Alternately, this risk is more probable in a research project funded by a foreign principal that involves academic commentary on matters of politics or government.  To identify whether registration under the Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme is required, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Is the research activity funded or conducted on behalf of or under the direction of a foreign principal?
  2. Is the foreign principal a foreign government or political organisation, or their representative?
  3. Is the activity for the purpose of influencing Australian political or government outcomes or decisions?

If you answered “Yes” to all questions, registration must occur within 14 days of entering into a relationship with a foreign principal or undertaking a registrable activity on behalf of a foreign principal. You can register your project via the Attorney-General’s Departments online portal: .

If registration is required and/or your require any further information, please contact the Research Ethics & Integrity team via email researchethicsandintegrity@canberra.edu.au.