Research news

The latest research news from the University of Canberra.


  1. Early career researchers pitch big

    Early career researchers from the University of Canberra have battled it out as part of the 2021 Big Research Pitch, with the winners receiving $14,000 in research funding.

    More on Early career researchers pitch big
  2. Mental Health Stock

    UC-led review aims for better mental health outcomes for Indigenous Australians

    The University of Canberra’s Associate Professor Penney Upton has co-authored a research paper, launched in collaboration with a new clearinghouse for Indigenous mental health and suicide prevention.

    More on UC-led review aims for better mental health outcomes for Indigenous Australians
  3. Group

    ACT educators join forces for consent education

    Representatives from public, Catholic and independent education providers gathered at the University of Canberra, to collaborate on teaching respectful relationships and consent education at ACT schools.

    More on ACT educators join forces for consent education
  4. CRSN Launch

    Teaching network launched by UC

    The University of Canberra has assembled a network of educations providers, to collaborate and further strengthen the profession and education in the ACT region and its surrounds.

    More on Teaching network launched by UC
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