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Annual Conference 2023

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ACT Education Directorate

Faculty of Education

proudly present the   .   .   .  

Affiliated Schools Seminar Series 2023
Showcasing the collaboration
between University of Canberra and the ACT Education Directorate through the
Affiliated Schools Partnership

** Affiliated Schools Seminar Series **

Celebrating the Partnership
From 2019 to 2023

This year the Affiliated Schools Annual Conference was delivered in early Term 4 as 3 online seminars plus an in-person celebration of the Affiliated Schools Partnership between the ACT Education Directorate and the University of Canberra.

ALL SESSIONS - 4pm to 6pm

The 'Session Details' tab below provides specific information about each of the seminars.

The first 3 sessions were:

  • Online
  • Co-hosted by Joanne Keens (ED) and Emily Hills (UC)
  • TQI accredited for 6 hours (3 x 2 hours)

The final session was:

  • At the INSPIRE Centre, University of Canberra
  • A ticketed event
Session Overview

Wednesday, 11 October
(Term 4, Week 1)

Online - 4pm to 6pm

Master of Education Capstone Researchers
Impact on Practice post-graduation

In this session, five teachers and school leaders currently studying
a Master of Education (MEd) at UC, and recent graduates of the program,
share the impact the MEd has had on their classroom and leadership practices and student learning outcomes.


Thursday, 19 October
(Term 4, Week 2)

Online - 4pm to 6pm

Teachers as Researchers sharing
Part 1

In this session, four Affiliated Schools currently engaged in the Teachers as Researchers
program share the impact and learning of their action research projects.

Tuesday, 24 October
(Term 4, Week 3)

Online - 4pm to 6pm

Teachers as Researchers sharing
Part 2

In this session, six Affiliated Schools currently engaged in the Teachers as Researchers
program share the impact and learning of their action research projects.

Thursday, 26 October
(Term 4, Week 3)

INSPIRE Centre, UC - 4pm to 6pm

Celebrating the Partnership

The Affiliated Schools Partnership Celebration event is the final event in the 2023 Affiliated Schools Seminar Series. This face-to-face event provided an opportunity for key members of the partnership to gather together to celebrate the important collaborative work of the Affiliated Schools Partnership between the ACT Education Directorate and the University of Canberra throughout 2023 and across the first five years of the partnership.

At this event, being hosted at the University of Canberra in the INSPIRE CENTRE (Building 25), attendees heard from Professor Barney Dalgarno, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Education and Minister Yvette Berry about the successes of the partnership since its commencement in 2019. There was also the presentation to the 2023 recipients of the annual UC Mentoring awards, as well as the awards to schools in recognition of outstanding placement engagement with UC.

This event also hosted the presentation of research posters completed by a cohort of 4th year undergraduate pre-service teachers on collaborative research projects completed in Semester 2, 2023.

A glass of wine and a conversation to celebrate the important partnership between the
ACT Education Directorate and the University of Canberra.

Please click on each heading below to view

- session details (including links to the Virtual Rooms)
- links to register for each session.

All sessions have multiple presentations within the session.
In some timeslots you must choose between presentations.

Each Online Session takes place in one 'Virtual Room'.
Links to the relevant Virtual Room is provided within each Session Listing.
The links will open new tabs on your preferred internet browser.

A guide to the Virtual Room interface is found on the 'Support' Tab.


Master of Education Capstone Researchers
Impact on Practice post-graduation

There were 5 x 20 minute sharing timeslots in this session.
In each timeslot there was one presentation.

Time Presentation DetailsPresenter(s)

4:00 - 4:10

Acknowledgement & Welcome

Joanne Keens (ED)
Emily Hills (UC)

4:10 - 4:30

What impacts can explicit growth mindset teaching have on mathematics achievement?

Jane Phippen
(Evelyn Scott School)

4:30 - 4:50

What are the values, beliefs and practices that inform ACT government primary school teachers’ approaches to classroom management?

Matt Stretton
(North Ainslie)

4:50 - 5:10

Investigating barriers and enablers for implementation of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cross-curriculum priority in the ACT Senior Secondary Sector

Victoria Margrain
(Dickson College)

5:10 - 5:30

To what extent does the inclusion of Aboriginal authored picture books increase the cultural knowledge and understanding of early childhood students?

Linda Francis
(Taylor Primary School)

5:30 - 5:50

Phonological Awareness in context and its impact on students’ reading skills and outcomes

Harleen Kaur
(Kingsford Smith School)

5:50 - 6:00

Thank you and Feedback

Joanne Keens (ED)
Emily Hills (UC)


Teachers as Researchers sharing
Part 1

In this session, four Affiliated Schools currently engaged in the Teachers as Researchers
program shared the impact and learning of their action research projects.

There were 4 x 25 minute sharing timeslots in this session.
In each timeslot there was 1 presentation.

Time Presentation DetailsPresenter(s)

4:00 - 4:10

Acknowledgement & Welcome

Joanne Keens (ED)
Emily Hills (UC)

4:10 - 4:35

How staff want to receive performance feedback?

Garran Primary School

4:35 - 5:00

Improving student spelling outcomes

Giralang Primary School

5:00 - 5:25

Student engagement and wellbeing

Narrabundah College

5:25 - 5:50

The impact of agreed upon 'writing norms' on how students see themselves as writers

Maribyrnong Primary School

5:50 - 6:00

Thank you and Feedback Joanne Keens (ED)
Emily Hills (UC)


Teachers as Researchers Sharing
Part 2

There were 4 x 25 minute sharing timeslots in this session.
In some timeslots there were 2 presentations.

Time Presentation DetailsPresenter(s)Recording

4:00 - 4:10

Acknowledgement & Welcome

Joanne Keens (ED)
Emily Hills (UC)

4:10 - 4:35

Improving the personal and social capabilities of all students

Gordon Primary School

4:35 - 5:00

Assessing the impact of the Writing Revolution strategies on student writing outcomes

Mount Stromlo High School

4:35 - 5:00

Student voice and personalised learning through inquiry pedagogy

Arawang Primary School

5:00 - 5:25

The impact of indigenising pedagogy on student learning of 21st Century Skills

Dickson College

5:25 - 5:50

Unpacking perceptions of play in an early childhood setting

Southern Cross Early Childhood School

5:25 - 5:50

Building student capability through high impact instructional strategies

Lake Tuggeranong College

5:50 - 6:00

Thank you and Feedback

Joanne Keens (ED)
Emily Hills (UC)


Celebrating the Partnership

Mentor Awards & PST Poster Presentations

The 2023 Affiliated Schools Seminar Series culminates with a face-to-face celebration.

INSPIRE Centre UC, Building 25
4pm – 6pm

Click the button to register for this session (opens a new tab in your browser).

TimeEventPresenter(s) Inspire Centre Room

4:00 - 6:00

Poster presentations 4th Year Pre-service Teachers Studios 1 & 2

4:00 - 6:00

Canapes and wine Entrance Foyer

4:10 - 4:15

Acknowledgement of Country


Inspire Flexispace

4:15 - 4:20

Welcome Joanne Keens (ED)
Emily Hills (UC)
Inspire Flexispace

4:20 - 4:40

Keynote Addresses

Professor Barney Dalgarno
Executive Dean, Faculty of Education, UC

Minster Yvette Berry / Deputy Director General
ACT Education Directorate

Inspire Flexispace

4:40 - 5:10

Mentor Awards

Associate Professor Chris Morrissey
Minister Yvette Berry / Deputy Director General

Inspire Flexispace

5:10 - 5:20

Closing Remarks Joanne Keens (ED)
Emily Hills (UC)
Inspire Flexispace

5:20 - 6:00

Poster presentations 4th Year PSTs Studios 1 & 2

Session / TimePresentation Presenters and Email Addresses


Master of Education Capstone Researchers
Impact on Practice post-graduation

Emily Hills
Joanne Keens

4:10 – 4:30

What impacts can explicit growth mindset teaching have on mathematics achievement?

Jane Phippen

(Evelyn Scott School)

4:30 – 4:50

What are the values, beliefs and practices that inform ACT government primary school teachers’ approaches to classroom management?

Matt Stretton

(North Ainslie)

4:50 – 5:10

Investigating barriers and enablers for implementation of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cross-curriculum priority in the ACT Senior Secondary Sector

Victoria Margrain

(Dickson College)

5:10 – 5:30

To what extent does the inclusion of Aboriginal authored picture books increase the cultural knowledge and understanding of early childhood students?

Linda Francis

(Taylor Primary School)

5:30 – 5:50

Phonological Awareness in context and its impact on students’ reading skills and outcomes

Harleen Kaur

(Kingsford Smith School)


Teachers as Researchers Sharing 1

Emily Hills
Joanne Keens

4:10 – 4:35

Teachers and Communities

How staff want to receive performance feedback

Garran Primary School

4:35 – 5:00

Student-centred learning

Improving student spelling outcomes

Giralang Primary School

5:00 – 5:25

Student-centred learning

Student engagement and wellbeing 

Narrabundah College

5:25 – 5:50

Student-centred learning

The impact of agreed upon 'writing norms' on how students see themselves as writers

Maribyrnong Primary School


Teachers as Researchers Sharing 2

Emily Hills
Joanne Keens

4:10 – 4:35

Student-centred learning

Improving the personal and social capabilities of all students

Gordon Primary School

4:35 – 5:00

Student-centred learning
Teachers and Communities

Assessing the impact of the Writing Revolution strategies on student writing outcomes

Mount Stromlo High School

4:35 – 5:00

Student-centred learning

Student voice and personalised learning through inquiry pedagogy

Arawang Primary School

5:00 – 5:25

Student-centred learning

The impact of indigenising pedagogy on student learning of 21st Century Skills

Dickson College

5:25 – 5:50

Student-centred learning
Teachers and Communities

Unpacking perceptions of play in an early childhood setting

Southern Cross Early Childhood School

5:25 – 5:50

Student-centred learning

Building student capability through high impact instructional strategies

Lake Tuggeranong College

Support to help you maximise your enjoyment of this event

All Online sessions - 4pm to 6pm

SESSION 1 - Wednesday, 11 October 2023
SESSION 2 - Thursday, 19 October 2023
SESSION 3 - Tuesday, 24 October 2023


Instructions for navigating the Virtual Room

Virtual Room Joining Instructions