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Student Grievances — Queensland

PLEASE NOTE: If you are studying at UC's Bruce campus, you can find the relevant information for Student Grievances in the MyUC Student Portal.

We hope that your time at the University will be a rewarding and enjoyable one; however, occasionally problems arise and you find that you have a grievance in relation to actions or decisions taken by University staff, including matters involving administration, learning and teaching and breaches of University policy. This includes grievances in relation to unit results. The University has established a set of procedures for dealing with such matters. The steps involved in grievance resolution are set out in the Student Grievance Resolution Policy and are summarised below. However, please note that only academic grievances can be resolved informally.

Please lodge your grievance with the Appointed Officer at TAFE Queensland using the Formal Grievance Form. This form is available in two formats:

  1. Student Formal Grievance Form in PDF format (PDF, 234.67 KB) This form is designed to be completed online, printed out, signed, dated and returned to the Appointed Officer. If you cannot fill out the form online, you can download and complete the RTF version below.
  2. Student Formal Grievance Form in RTF format (RTF, 64.37 KB) If you are using a screen reader, we recommend this format

The TAFE Queensland Appointed Officer can be contacted by emailing

Lodging a Grievance

Step 1 – Informal Resolution (Academic Grievances Only)  In the first instance, you should approach the person closest to the source of the issue to resolve the grievance. You might choose to go and see them face to face, send them an email or perhaps call them by phone. If you are unable to resolve your grievance with them, then you should approach the Head of Discipline next, to seek their assistance in resolving your grievance.

Step 2 – Formal Resolution If your grievance cannot be resolved informally or it relates to an administrative matter, you may submit a formal grievance in writing. Please lodge your grievance with the Appointed Officer at your home institution using the Formal Grievance Form above. The Appointed Officer will ensure that the matter is then referred to the appropriate Faculty Dean or Business Unit Director at the University of Canberra.

Step 3 – Appeal If your grievance has not been resolved through the formal process, you may appeal to the Student Appeals Committee. Your appeal must be in writing and must demonstrate grounds for appeal. Appeals should be lodged to the Secretary, Student Appeals Committee who can be contacted by email, A decision by the Student Appeals Committee is the final decision within the University.

Please use the following form to lodge an appeal with the Student Appeals Committee: Application for appeal- Against a Decision of Faculty or Business Unit).

Step 4 – Seek an external review

You can lodge a complaint about the actions or decisions of the University of Canberra’s Student Appeals Committee with the .

If the grievance you want to resolve relates to discrimination you can choose to lodge a complaint with the rather than the ACT Ombudsman.

Exceptions to the Student Grievance Resolution Policy

The following are exceptions to the application of the Student Grievance Resolution Policy for the resolution of student grievances:

  • a decision made under the University of Canberra Student Conduct Rules 2023 (i.e. appeals against  the outcome of a Summary Inquiry or a Committee Inquiry);
  • an unsuccessful application for a remittance of a HELP debt. In these cases appeals should be directed in the first instance to the Director, Student Administration;
  • a decision made under the University of Canberra Admission Rules 2017 to terminate a student’s enrolment arising from a failure to meet the conditions for continuation under a conditional/probationary offer. In these cases appeals should be directed to the Admissions Committee;
  • a decision made under the University of Canberra Admission Rules 2017 to make an offer of admission subject to conditions or to refuse admission to an applicant. In these cases appeals should be directed to the Admissions Committee; or
  • a decision made by an appropriate review authority in accordance with the Academic Progress Procedure for Coursework Students unless there is new mitigating evidence which was not available at the time the student submitted their statement of reasons as to why they should be allowed to continue with their course of study and might have affected the appropriate review authority's decision had it been available at the time, and/or  there was a failure of process resulting in disadvantage to the student.

Information, advice and support

Students requiring further information or assistance in relation to the University's student grievance process should approach their Appointed Officer and local student support service for advice.

Students who require advocacy and support as part of the conduct process may contact the UC Student Representative Council (UCSRC) Advocacy team via The UCSRC provides free advice, support and advocacy to all UC students who have a grievance.