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Cardio Boxing Class

Have you always wanted to try boxing but have no idea where to start? This is the perfect class for beginners or intermediate boxers to put on mitts and start punching the bags. With a mix of cardio and technique-based boxing movements, this class is both fun and challenging! Gloves provided, if you don't have your own.

Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 4:45pm-5:30pm.

Open to UCFitx members and casual participants. Members can book through the Technogym App, while casuals can sign up by contacting us in Building 29, by phone (6201 2542) or email (ucfit@canberra.edu.au).


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More info on our website: https://ucx.canberra.edu.au/sport-and-fitness/ucfitx-gym/fitness-classes.html.

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