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Adult Occupational Therapy Clinic

Student led healthcare for Belconnen and the wider Canberra community

Make an appointment

Occupational therapists focus on promoting health and wellbeing by enabling people to participate in everyday occupations, such as:

  • Self-care activities including showering, dressing, preparing food;
  • Productive activities such as education, work, volunteering and caring for others; and
  • Leisure/social activities, such as being part of a community group, engaging in a hobby, and being part of a friendship group
  • Adapting the environment (e.g. home modifications, upskilling social supports),
  • Adjusting a task or activity (e.g. task simplification, assistive equipment), or
  • Improving a person’s physical, sensory, psychological, and cognitive capabilities (e.g. symptom management, restoring function).


University of Canberra Adult Occupational Therapy Clinic students provide low-cost services under the supervision of an experienced, fully qualified and registered Occupational Therapist to help people:

  • Prevent falls
  • Improve home accessibility and safety
  • Manage pain and fatigue
  • Adapt to memory changes
  • Cope with stress
  • Adjust to vision changes
  • Adapt or develop personal care, housework and living skills
  • Participate in social and recreational activities

We can assist people with a wide range of health conditions and abilities, however as a student-led clinic we may not be able to provide some specialised or complex services, or urgent response services.


The Adult Occupational Therapy Clinic can see adults of any age with physical, neurological or cognitive conditions.

We offer a variety of services and will assess your suitability and eligibility at time of referral.

Service fees

We are a private, fee-for-service clinic.

People with Home Care Packages, and some NDIS participants, may be able to claim for the cost of services through their funding package. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide DVA-funded services.

As a student-led clinic, no rebate is available through private health funds or Medicare.


Please call UC Health Clinic Reception on (02) 6201 5843, or send an email to healthclinic@canberra.edu.au to request an appointment or ask for more information.

If you already attend another UC Student-Led Clinic, you can ask them for referral to our service.

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